
What is really the term DEVOPS in our days?

DevOps is one of the most searched terms in the IT world today.

DevOps as a culture, work philosophy could also be considered a work methodology that is constantly evolving, promotes communication between Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops) teams, this help organizations to implement products and services in a way faster, agile, and with the best quality, and cost. We present this article in order to clarify some doubts or concerns, much of the confusion comes from mixing the requirements of the term DevOps (Dev/Ops) with the benefits of implementing said culture.

All DevOps terms found on the, the one that best adapts to the development of the theme can be found on the azure page: 

The term DevOps, which is a combination of the term development and operations, refers to the bringing together of people, processes and technology to consistently deliver value to customers. 

What does DevOps mean for teams? DevOps enables previously isolated roles (development, IT operations, engineering and security) coordinate and collaborate to create better, more reliable products. By adopting a DevOps culture coupled with DevOps practices and tools, teams gain the ability to better respond to customer needs, increase confidence in the applications they create, and achieve business goals in less time”. 

DevOps is a new kind of informatic?? 

A common mistake is to confuse DevOps with models that some startups that are or want to implement, that all members of the technical team have to know about systems development, performance, databases, networks, buying laptops and even configuring people’s mobile phones of business. 

That model may work for a while, but it doesn’t scale. DevOps s not about increasing the responsibility of developers or briging several functions (in particular two, development and systems) replacing those two functions with a single one: a new DevOps function. 

A little story about DevOps. 

To tell a little about the story, let’s summarize a little the one that the following page tells us in his article: devops/#:~:text=DevOps%20es%20un%20movimiento%20originado,la%20cadena%20de%20valor%20IT.&text=En%20Agosto%20del%202008%2C%20en,y%20Patrick%20Debois%20se%20conocen. 

The term initially originated in 2007 when a man named Patrick Debois, a freeland consultant, was analyzing how to gain experience in all areas of IT, this started when I was working on a data center migration and had many headaches with the development and operations team. 

At a conference in 2008 “Agile2008conference” Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois meet, Shafer spoke about “Agile infrastructure” seeing that there was no interest in the subject and with only one person in the room “Patrick Debois” skip the session, then Patrick joined him so he could talk about it. 

Out of all this came a group called “Agile System Administrators” created to continue the debate. 

In 2009, John Allspaw and Paul Hammond presented “10 deploy per Day” at the O’Rely Velocity 09 Conference, the premise was how to focus dev and ops teams to work together through agile tools and processes. 

From here came the inspiration to create the “DevOpsDays” event in Belgium (DOD) starting to do what I heard in the talk that day and talking the concept of DEVOPS, (Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr). The open house conference takes place in October of that year and the discussion continues on Twitter. The movement begins to emerge, in parallel with the agile movement, these terms are beginning to be heard: continuous integrations and continuous delivery which are beginning to gain strength, also in the IT industry other methodologies such as Operation Management, Lean and IT are beginning to gain strength service management. 

This movement made up of debates, conferences, twitter, slowly caught the attention of the technology industry. The repercussion was enormous, and the hashtag created for the occasion, #DevOps, triumphed on social networks in a viral way, giving name to an entire movement. 


In conclusion

Let’s stick with a simple definition of DevOps that we can all agree with: DevOps is a software development methodology based on integration between developers and system administrators, which allows developers to focus only on developing and deploying their products from a more agile and simple way in the shortest possible time. 

In this way we will place some aspects of the responsibilities of the same: 

  • It will be  the person in charge of providing all the tools in terms of  resources or infrastructure to carry out the project. 
  • You must  ensure that you comply with the premises in integration and continuous  delivery. 
  • You Will also  have the task of ensuring the implementation model of each  project. 
  • You must  apply a test protocol according to the tool and apply it. 
  • Monitor  all development and operations processes. 
  • Idenitdy  errors and propose improvements. 

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3 thoughts on “Que es Devops?”

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